Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Meaningful Engagement

During COVID-19 pandemic, the program prioritized specific areas of focus in addition to the long-term goals of the grant.  One such area was meaningful engagement, as follows: 

  • Increased focus on meaningful engagement of students/families served, in response to student and family needs, and centering socio-emotional well-being 

Though there was not specific data collected with this priority in mind, a statewide 21st CCLC student survey, administered by the American Institutes of Research (AIR) in Spring 2022, included relevant questions.  In particular, students were asked to identify up to three areas where the program had helped them the most.  47 students responded (25 from Meeker and 22 from Mill Creek), and the three most common benefits were identified as: 

  • Make new friends (60%) 
  • Feel good about myself (30%) 
  • Find out what I like to do (28%)  

(Additional data available)