Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Impact for Students

Student Achievement 

Unfortunately, there were several changes over the course of the Kent Connects grant that create challenges in understanding progress over time for student achievement.  The local evaluator changed between Year 3 (2018-19) and Year 4 (2019-20), and the new evaluator relied on the annual evaluation reports for results from each year and did not have access to the underlying data and analyses.  The measures for academic achievement also varied from year to year, as did the analytical approaches (e.g., though iReady data was provided by the district in Years 3, 5 and 6, in one year the analysis was based on scale scores (Year 3) and in Years 5 and 6 it was based on improvements in student performance, categorized as “2 or More Levels Below, 1 Level Below, or On Level.”) As such, data from these different measures are not comparable year to year and are presented separately from one another.  (See Limitations for more information.)   

The measures used for student achievement in Math and Reading each year are the following: 

  • 2016-17 and 2017-18: Student grades in math and reading/language arts from the earliest grading period and the latest grading period available 
    • For example, at Meeker, grades came from the fall and spring semester grading periods for the classes Core Language Arts 7th (ENG 703 and ENG 704) and Core Language Arts 8th (Eng803 and ENG 804), and Core Math 7th (MATH 707 and Math 708) and Core Math 8th (Math 811 and Math 812).   
  • 2018-19: iReady assessment scores in ELA and math from fall and spring, as scaled scores on a continuum for kindergarten through 12th grade 
  • 2019-20: No data available due to COVID-19 pandemic and school closures
  • 2020-21 and 2021-22: iReady assessment scores in ELA and math from fall and spring, with results indicated as “2 or More Levels Below, 1 Level Below, or On Level”