Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Recommendations for 2021-22

As the 21st CCLC program returns to in-person programming, there are several recommendations to consider for the year ahead:

  • Providing social emotional support: The Kent Connects 21st CCLC program adopted a focus on social emotional learning this program year and has provided important support to students and families throughout the pandemic. The program should continue to leverage their position as a trusted link between students/families and the school and build on their strength in building connection and community, particularly considering the toll the past year has taken on many students and families and as they prepare for a return to in-person school in Fall 2021.
  • Recommitting to enrollment and regular attendance goals: In early Fall 2019, the program set a goal to increase the percentage of students who regularly attend the program and developed systems to support this goal. In response to other priorities, the program shifted focus to persistence of students attending program and were successful in establishing a core group of students who regularly attended. For the upcoming year, the program should incorporate the lessons learned from the past year where they had a high level of engagement from participants, despite having a lower total number of participants than previous years, and continue with these strategies to grow student engagement in the program.
  • Maintaining trust and connections: In response to the pandemic, the program shifted to a role that involved deeper and more meaningful engagement with students and families and the greater community. The program might consider how to utilize these established and trusting relationships with the community to continue to provide supports and resources to students and families, especially as they return to in-person programming in the year ahead.
Image of Mill Creek students