Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Program Operations, Schedule, and Staffing

Meeker and Mill Creek are in their fifth year of operation in 2020-21. Due to Federal funds, the program was offered an extension for a 6th year of funding. Mill Creek and Meeker will continue for the 2021-22 school year due to COVID-19, subsequent school closures and the 5th year of program shifting to being offered virtually.

The programs offered programming in Summer, Fall, and Spring that is open to all students that want to participate.

Table 2: Program Operations

Meeker MS

07/20/ 2020 – 08/14/2020
Mon-Fri, 9:30am-3pm

Mon-Thurs, 3-5pm
Mon-Thurs, 3-5pm
Mill Creek MS

07/20/ 2020 – 08/14/2020
Tue-Fri, 8:30am-12:30pm

Mon-Thurs, 3:30-5:35pm
Mon-Fri, 3:30-5:35pm

Both sites have paid and volunteer staff, including site administrators, community members, school day teachers and other non-teaching school day staff, parents, and college students. Both Meeker and Mill Creek staff provided student and family supports, such as access to technology, necessities and serving as a bridge to the school. Additionally, site coordinators were in regular communication with students and families via texting, emails, and phone calls to ensure that they had the necessary materials to engage in virtual schooling and after-school programming.