Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Additional Support

In addition to the partnerships and activities listed above, the Meeker and Mill Creek programs also provide:

  • Student supports, including technology, food, transportation – this has been a significant need with the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to virtual programming in 2020-21.
    • In making this shift, the program incorporated a focus on social emotional learning. This focus was important in response to students’ need to feel supported and be a part of a community. It also helped to provide a safe program with positive interaction with others.
    • The program was able to provide care packages and program supplies to students and families, which were deeply appreciated by all families.
    • 21st CCLC staff have grown in their own virtual teaching skills, including managing the online program structure and thinking creatively in using virtual platforms to keep students engaged.
  • Communication, connections to students, families, and among staff
    • The program also used creative ways to engage students and families, prioritizing building family relationships and establishing connections to the community.
      • At Mill Creek, a parent partner showed interested in supporting the program. This partner bridged a connection between the program and the community in a way that has not happened before.
      • At Meeker, the Site Coordinator offered weekly office hours to support families and students in areas related to schoolwork or who were interested in accessing resources.
      • The 21st CCLC program concentrated on creating a safe and supportive environment for students.
        • This was facilitated by adhering to a routine to establish a sense of security for students.
        • Program staff made sure they were fully available to connect with students during program and provided space for students to check-in on their social-emotional well-being.