Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Family Engagement

The program offered a range of family events each year of the grant.  Additional data available 

As the Sunnycrest Site Coordinator described family events in 2021-22, “It was [my] goal to shift the family night model to be more family driven. The program got a good start on it, began building the infrastructure to make the process sustainable but the program’s frontline staff left before the infrastructure was all in place and the goal became unsustainable. However, we had ONE family night, in February, where the families fully led the event! One family chose the activity for the virtual event and led it! Another family, who always wish to be more involved but struggle to find the time, helped the site coordinator come up with the menu for dinner! During the event, both families shared about the cultures the parents were raised with and how the activity and the food connected to that. It was amazing.” 

Beyond offering regular family events, the program aimed to have adult family members of 80% of regular attendees (students who attend 30 or more days) attend at least one family event each year.   

With improved data collection in 2020-21 and 2021-22, the program was able to more accurately connect data on adult family member attendance to individual students, including those who were regular attendees.  (Note: Information on family attendance specific to regular attendees could not be retrieved from the state reporting system for Wildwood in 2021-22.) Additional data available 

Table 4: Family Event Attendance 

  2020-21 2021-22          
Overall 77% (20 of 26) N/A 
Sunnycrest 92% (11 of 12)  95% (21 of 22) 
Wildwood 64% (9 of 14)  N/A 
Goal 80%