Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Student Behavior

Data for understanding student behaviors in the classroom is limited.  This information was gathered via a teacher survey that was administered in the first two years of the grant (2017-18 and 2018-19) but not in 2019-20 or 2020-21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures.   Data on school day attendance was not available.  

Based on available data, the program did not meet its objectives of at least 70% of regular attendees who will:  

  • improve on turning in their homework on time, completing homework to the teachers’ satisfaction, and class participation 
  • improve on coming to school motivated to learn, behaving well in class, and getting along well with others 

Relevant results from the teacher survey indicated that the biggest improvement was in class participation (55% of students improved in each year the survey was administered) and in getting along well with other students (51% improved in 2017-18 and 60% improved in 2018-19).  Notably, teachers reported larger improvements in overall academic performance than in classroom behaviors.  Teachers noted improvements to overall academic performance for 62% of students in 2017-18 and 78% of students in 2018-19.  (Additional data available) 

Table 14: Student Behaviors in the Classroom per Teacher Survey in 2017-18 and 2018-19 (Regular Attendees) 

  2017-18 2018-19 
Sunnycrest Wildwood Sunnycrest Wildwood
To what extent has your student changed their behavior in terms of:  N of students who needed to improve % who improved  N of students who needed to improve  % who improved  N of students who needed to improve  % who improved  N of students who needed to improve  % who improved 
1. Turning in his/her homework on time  12 33% 36 39% 15 20% 63 29%
2. Completing homework to your satisfaction  12 42% 42 52% 15 33% 67 30%
3. Participating in class  15 67% 38 55% 21 48% 62 55%
4. Behaving well in class  10 50% 34 41% 20 45% 40 35%
5. Getting along well with other students  14 36% 35 51% 21 48% 50 60%
6. Overall academic performance  14 50% 45 62% 21 52% 69 78%
  Sunnycrest (n=16) Wildwood (n=53) Sunnycrest (n=27) Wildwood (n71)
Yes I don't know Yes I don't know Yes I don't know Yes I don't know
Overall, do you feel our after-school program was beneficial for this student?  88% 13% 94% 6% 81% 19% 99% 1%


A new statewide 21st CCLC teacher survey was administered in 2021-22 by the American Institutes of Research.  The teacher survey asked questions about student behavior, and included questions about students’ motivation to learn, focus on tasks and in group work, and class participation.  Because the questions are different from prior years’ survey, the results are presented separately.  There were only completed surveys for students at Wildwood.  Teachers reported improved behaviors for 70% or more students on each learning behavior, with 90% of regular attendees improving their focus on the task at hand.  (Additional data available) 

Table 15:  Student Behaviors in the Classroom per Teacher Survey in 2021-22

To what extent has your student changed their behavior in terms of:  N of students who needed to improve  % who improved 
1. Coming to school motivated to learn  20 70% 
2. Staying focused on the task at hand  21 90% 
3. Alertness and focus during group discussions or activities  24 88% 
4. Participation in learning activities (i.e. without needing prompting from adults or peers)  24 71%