Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Strengths and Opportunities


  • Accessibility and responsiveness of 21st CCLC programs: Systems and organizational practices helped each 21st CCLC site to provide students with support through programming.
  • Partnerships: While both sites shared the same primary partnership with the Kent School District, each of the sites also established connections with several community-based organizations. Each of these partnerships represented opportunities and access to a variety of resources and experiences for 21st CCLC participants.
  • Regular Attendance: Springbrook successfully met the objective for the proportion of students enrolled or proportion of regular attendees among program participants, including 84% of regular attendees at Springbrook attended program for 60 or more days.
  • Student Activities: The range of activities provided to students through 21st CCLC programming demonstrates a commitment to student interest.


  • Operations: There were some operational challenges that each of the sites navigated during the first year of the grant. Site Coordinators began developing partnerships with community organizations and establishing roles and responsibilities, and community partner meetings continued to be under development. At East Hill, hiring staff was difficult at the beginning of the school year, but stabilized throughout the year.
  • Regular Attendance: As regular attendance continues to be a primary goal of the 21st CCLC program, data from the 2023-24 school indicate that this will continue to be a primary effort over the next school year at East Hill.
  • Family Events and Community Engagement: Both sites would benefit from engaging with families to learn more about their interests and hopes for the program.