Family Engagement
The CCLC programs with Kent School District offered a range of family events during the 2023-24 school year. (See Table 3) Additionally each site developed target objectives for their outreach to families of program participants.
Regarding family event attendance, the program’s goals and measurable objectives for family engagement were as follows:
- Develop and strengthen family-school connections for 21st CCLC families.
- Strengthen family-school connection for families in 21st CCLC program, with focus on families furthest from educational opportunity.
- 75% of regular attendees will have a family member attend at least one family event, with no disparity in family participation as a function of race, ethnicity, or MLL status.
- Of families who participate in family events, 95% will rate the event positively and feel more connected to their school.
Integration of Family Interests: The primary source of data for analysis on integration of family interests is through family event surveys collected and submitted by Site Coordinators at the completion of each family event. East Hill conducted surveys following two family events. Springbrook conducted a survey at one event.
Utilizing the survey, attendees at the family events were provided the opportunity to rate and submit feedback on their experiences, including the option to submit recommendations for future topics. At East Hill family event attendees described a desire to have more games, spoken word activities, and longer family events. Attendees at Springbrook described a desire for more family activities, dance-related events, and holiday celebrations.
Families of regular attendees attend at least one event: Current datasets do not permit evaluators to access data on family event attendance specific to regular participants (this data is gathered through a centralized system as part of the statewide 21st CCLC evaluation). As a result, the measure was adjusted to provide unduplicated counts for the total number of adults that attended at least one family event during the program year.