Strengths and Opportunities
- Accessibility and Responsiveness of 21st CCLC programs: Systems and organizational practices helped support each 21st CCLC site’s ability to provide students with support through programming.
- Student Activities: The range of activities provided to students through 21st CCLC programming demonstrates a commitment to supporting student interests. The variety of student activities reflected the diverse interests and curiosities of participants.
- Regular Attendance: As regular attendance continues to be a primary goal of the 21st CCLC program, data from the 2023-24 school indicate that this may be an area of opportunity moving forward. Only one of the 21st CCLC sites met the objective for proportion of students enrolled or proportion of regular attendees among program participants.
- Partnerships: None of the three sites met their objectives for adding partners. Establishing new connections with community-based organizations can support student interests and provide new opportunities and resources.