Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Family Engagement

Kent Community Success offered a wide range of family events during the 2023-24 school year. (See Table 3.) Additionally, each site developed target objectives for their outreach to families of program participants.

Regarding family engagement, the program’s goal was to strengthen family-school connection for families in the 21st CCLC program, with a focus on families furthest from educational opportunity. The measurable objectives were as follows:

  • All family events reflect interests of families in the program as measured on surveys and CBO's.
  • 75% of regular attendees will have a family member attend at least one family event.
  • There will be no disparity in family participation as a function of race, ethnicity, or MLL status.

Integration of Family Interests: Site coordinators have successfully integrated feedback from participant surveys they administered at each family event into the family event opportunities they provide. Some examples of topics that have been integrated into programmatic opportunities are:

  • Mill Creek family event attendees reported interest in culturally centered programming.
  • Neely-O’Brien family event attendees reported interest in culturally centered programming including dancing, opportunities for public speaking or reciting poems.
  • River Ridge reported interest in multicultural nights and culturally centered programming, mental health awareness, and language classes.

Families of regular attendees attend at least one event: Current datasets do not permit evaluators to access data on family event attendance specific to regular participants (this data is gathered through a centralized system as part of the statewide 21st CCLC evaluation).  As a result, the measure was adjusted to provide unduplicated counts for the total number of adults that attended at least one family event during the program year. (See Chart 4)

  • 95 adults attended at least one of the family events offered at Mill Creek.
  • 53 adults attended at least one of the family events offered at Neely-O’Brien.
  • 82 adults attended at least one of the family events offered at River Ridge.