Success For Each Child & Eliminate the Opportunity Gap by Leading with Racial Equity

Program Goals

Kent Community Success established goals and objectives that frame the program structure and offerings during the five-year grant timeframe. Program goals and objectives focused on student academic achievement, regular program attendance, family engagement, and community partnerships include:

  • Meet the individual needs of students in the areas of math, reading, and social emotional learning.
    • 50% of regular attendees will demonstrate progress in math and reading.
    • 50% of regular attendees will improve classroom behavior.
  • Create a sense of belonging and engagement for students in 21st CCLC program, with focus on students furthest from educational opportunity.
    • 10% of total school population will regularly attend program (i.e., attend 30 days or more).
    • At least 60% of regular attendees will attend program for 60 days or more.
    • Among regular attendees, data will not show differences in regular attendees or 60+ day attendees across race, ethnicity, or MLL groups.
  • Strengthen family-school connection for families in 21st CCLC program, with focus on families furthest from educational opportunity.
    • 75% of regular attendees will have a family member attend at least one family event, with no disparity in family participation as a function of race, ethnicity, or MLL status.
    • All family events reflect interests of families in the program as measured on surveys and CBO’s.
  • Support collaboration and participation of students, families, and partners to help inform programmatic opportunities and continuous improvement.
    • Measurable improvement in relevant sections of the YPQA each year, at each site; or an average rating over 4.0.
    • Add one partnership each year at each school that reflects the population served at each school.